Jeni's Stir Fry Sauce

Jeni’s Stir fry


Splash toasted sesame oil

Splash ACV

Splash OJ

Teaspoon Chinese five spice

Teaspoon garlic granules or powder

Tablespoon shredded ginger

3 tablespoons soy sauce or alternative

1 cup honey

Optional chili oil for spice

Simmer over medium low heat for about ten minutes stirring often, then simmer over low for about ten minutes stirring often. When sauce is nearly thick enough it’s done. You can add a teaspoon corn starch if you like a very thick sauce or are limited on time.

Prepare rice however you like it.

You could cook chicken pork, or tofu with the veggies. but my personal favorite is tempeh. I chop it into bite sized chunks and sauté it in a little of the sauce. Mmmm

Chop and sauté green onion or green garlic, Kohlrabi, Turnips, and Broccoli with ginger and garlic for about 5-10 minutes. Then add bok choy, cabbage, saute mix, kale, collards, pea greens or other greens of choice. Add mushrooms of choice (I prefer shiitake) if you like. Just remember to cook the tougher veggies a bit before you add the softer ones.

One more note.. resist the temptation to add salt or soy sauce to the veggies. It makes them release their water and they get mushy.


Sauté raw cashews or peanuts in a splash of soy, Chinese five spice, and honey until gooey. Perfect topping!!