Asian Summer Slaw

Asian Style Summer Slaw

1 Beet

1 Kohlorabi

1/4 head of Cabbage

1/2 tsp Fish Sauce

1/2 tsp Lime Juice

1/2 tsp Rice Vinegar

1 tsp honey

1/4 tsp Sesame Oil

1/2 tsp Black Sesame Seeds

Peel and julienne or matchstick cut the Beet and Kohlrabi. Thinly slice or shred the cabbage. Toss all ingredients together and let sit for an hour in the fridge for best taste.

Change it up! Use Carrots, Radish, Salad Turnip, Chioggia Beets (show stopper with the stripes!), or even Cucumbers. Dress it with your regular favorite American Coleslaw dressing, or even make a brine of fresh herbs, vinegar, and garlic to pickle them in for a fresh summer addition to burgers, salads, and tacos!